TIffany Egbert Studio

Well hello dear friends new and old! My name is Tiffany and I am a Phoenix based abstract fluid painter. What is fluid painting you might ask? Well to start, the majority of my work is created without using paint brushes. I pick out my colors, mix my materials, have a general idea of what I want to create and then I go to work pouring. One pour at a time I lay layers of paint down. Then I take the canvas in my arms moving it up and down, and side to side to maneuver the paint into place. The process is very physical, very intuitive and you have to work quickly which means you can’t over think it. Because of the process it was and has always been a collaboration between myself, the materials and ultimately with anything I make the divine spirit and muse that flows through me and enables and urges me to create.It is a thoughtful balance of being intentional but also being able to let go and release control. As always I am so incredibly grateful to all who have chosen to join me on this adventure!